Genesis of the project :
A major consumer of electricity, in particular for the production of cold necessary for the air cooling of all of its premises, the CHU Sud Réunion Hospital has been identified by EDF (Electricité De France) as an interesting site for the development of a SWAC project.
Initial studies have been carried out, in collaboration with EDF and with the support of ADEME, for the integration of this technology on the site.
These studies were deemed sufficiently conclusive for the CHU, still with the support of EDF, ADEME and the La Réunion Island Region, to launch a competitive dialogue procedure in June 2017 to implement this solution and reduce its energy bill.
Not wishing to bear this investment itself, the CHU preferred the solution of a cold supply contract over 20 years, by imposing on candidates a solution with an EER greater than 10, the EER (or Energy Efficiency Ratio) being the indicator for measuring the energy efficiency of air cooling solutions. An EER of 10 means that it only takes 1kWh of electricity to produce 10kWh of cold.
This performance requirement is a real commitment of the CHU in favor of the energy transition, since it constitutes a real break with the average efficiency of conventional air cooling systems (EER generally between 2.5 and 3.5).

Thanks to our various production sites around the world, we are able to produce SWAC solutions close to each structure in demand. Although our systems are designed according to the particularities of the seabed, our expertise in the manufacture of composites allows us to formulate tailor-made solutions according to the needs and constraints of each site.

Project news

Our teams are seconded to Reunion for participate in the PEMER working group
September 28, 2021
Objective: to define the specific challenges of developing technologies for MRE projects in Réunion.

Our teams are delegated to La Reunion Island to participate in the PEMER working group
September 28, 2021
Objective : to define the specific challenges of the development of technologies for MRE projects in La Reunion.
3 subsea missions to develop the project while ensuring environmental protection
October 19, 2021
Day 1: investigation of the exit zone of our micro tunnel up to 60 m deep in order to better understand the environment and to check the presence of corals in the area where the device is installed.

Our teams are seconded to Reunion for participate in the PEMER working group
September 28, 2021
Objective: to define the specific challenges of developing technologies for MRE projects in Réunion.

Underwater compressed
air launch
Decembre 12, 2021
Objective of this dive : to allow us to know the layer of sediment present on the ground. Thank you to the divers of TMSOI for having successfully carried out this important study for our work!